J2 Content – Perspectives

A varied collection of thoughts on education and parenting

A Most unScientific Study: Your Child’s First Car

An informal survey of twelve families with school age children revealed the following results. 9 of the 12 families said they planned to assist their children with the acquisition of their first car. Of those 9, 4 expected to pass on or sell to their child a vehicle the familiy currently owned. 3 planned to…. read more

Failure As a Life Lesson

My daughter decided to try out for the high school volleyball team. She likes to play volleyball, and as a Freshman, thought it would be a good idea to get into sports. What was surprising to me was that this particular volleyball program had successfully made it to the championships several years in a row…. read more

Following Up on the June 1 Post

On June 1, Today, Sea Shephard shared this video interview. Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com Whether you agree or disagree with Sea Shephard’s efforts and methods, we felt it was important to share this because it seems to lend some credence to Parent X’s concerns. What are your feelings about letting the internet create…. read more

My Daughter, the Pre-Teen Eco-Terrorist

Well, she would be, if I let her proclaim her love for Whale Wars the way she’d like to. Okay, okay… I have no idea if the FBI really does put people who donate to Sea Shephard or are active members of their support community on a terror watch list. In fact, I suspect they…. read more

Summer Vacation

The last day of school for my kids quickly approaches and with it the start of summer vacation. I love summer and I love summer vacation. Unfortunately I’m not a student, nor do I get summers off from work. As a result, the summer vacation phenomena is quite a disruption to our normal family routine. …. read more

That Green Jar of Peanut Butter

We’re not picky shoppers. We buy the cheapest (name brand) peanut butter we find. Usually Smooth/Creamy, and once in a rare while “Natural”. All things being equal, we lean toward the “healthy” looking variations – Simply Jif, for example. Lately we’ve been buying Jif with Omega-3 added. We do it, because we feel like we…. read more

Time Out

Child discipline is one of those topics that are deeply divisive amongst most people, like de-clawing cats and whether you should or shouldn’t put ketchup on your eggs, and I’ve often strangely found that the loudest and most vehement arguments extend from those without any offspring of their own. But then, one day they find…. read more

The Real Tooth Fairy

“Mommy, is the tooth fairy real?” I should have known this question was coming! My eight-year-old daughter, Ashleigh, has lost three of her front teeth in the past few months, and she is in third grade – where kids start questioning what their parents have told them about the tooth fairy and Santa. I paused,…. read more

A Most unScientific Study: R-rated Movies

An informal survey of 5 parents revealed that at least 4 of the 5 had allowed a child under the age of 13 to watch an R-rated movie on cable or DVD (the fifth parent could not recall whether any of the films their child watched before age 13 had been rated “R”). We found…. read more

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