If you listened to episode 262 of the Paul Goebel Show, produced by Perspectives contributor Paul Goebel, you heard Paul, Tom, Jim, and special guest Paul Jay discussing Futurama and what a smart show it is. Paul referenced the special features on the Bender’s Game DVD, and the guys talked about a number of math-specific…. read more
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1×0 =?
One of the Facebook Questions currently going viral is this one. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1×0 =? As of noon PST on Tuesday June 14, the correct answer was NOt the most popular answer. 781,143 people believe the expression is equal to 0. [These people are forgetting their order of operations. The 0 is multiplied by the final 1…. read more
A Most unScientific Study: Math Homework Woes
An informal survey of nine parents of Algebra, Geometry, or Algebra 2 parents revealed data which we found very distressing. 8 of the 9 parents said they feel they cannot help their child with their homework 0 of the 9 parents said they looked through their child’s math notebooks at least once a week This…. read more
Math Movie Pictograms
This image is one of three quizzes asking you to figure out movie titles expressed as math pictograms among the comics at spikedmath.com. The other quizzes can be accessed by clicking these links: Quiz 2 Quiz 3. If you aren’t already familiar with the site, Spikedmath.com hosts regularly updated math themed comics and is well…. read more
S’more Order of Operations
This artwork was designed by “art101″ and sold on a t-shirt at http://shirt.woot.com back in 2010. Unfortunately, the shirt is no longer available to purchase; however, the image remains an interesting way to introduce, explore, or revisit the concept of order of operations with your child(ren). Novelty t-shirt sites are often home to imaginative ways of re-expressing…. read more
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