J2 Content – Perspectives

A varied collection of thoughts on education and parenting

Back to School

In only a few short weeks I will experience the joy that only comes around once a year. It’s better than Christmas and more relaxing than Labor Day. The day I speak of is the day my kids go back to school. In less than a week, I will no longer have to drive anybody…. read more

A Most unScientific Study: Summer School

An informal survey of seven parents of school age children revealed the following results. 5 of the 7 parents said their children were assinged summer work by their local school district. 4 of  those 5 said they felt the schoosl’ assignments were poorly designed. 3 of the 5 called the schools’ assignments “not worthwhile”. Only…. read more

Summer Vacation

The last day of school for my kids quickly approaches and with it the start of summer vacation. I love summer and I love summer vacation. Unfortunately I’m not a student, nor do I get summers off from work. As a result, the summer vacation phenomena is quite a disruption to our normal family routine. …. read more

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