An informal survey of 8 high school freshmen revealed that seven of the 8 recalled playing “educational video games” when they were younger. Of those three categorized the games as “cool” while the other four labeled the games “lame.”
More important than their opinions of the games, however, are the clarity of their recollection of the games. All seven could vividly describe the gaming experience and topics covered. Two of the students used the phrase “like we do in class” when describing the content.
The data seems to indicate a value in exposing students to $5 discount rack software from Marshalls or Staples. Whether students appreciate the experience or not, they do appear to be learning from those games and retaining much of the educational experience.
What are your experiences with educational software? Please share your thoughts below.
Greg W
on Apr 11th, 2011
@ 1:52 pm:
My kids learned to type by using Spongebob typing. Good stuff