A couple weeks ago ABC premiered a new reality/competition show called Expedition Impossible. Basically, it’s ABC’s version of The Amazing Race with a few changes. The biggest change is the grand prize. The first place team of three people wins $150,000 and they each get a new car. Read that again. To put things in…. read more
The Sun Always Shines on TV
When television first started showing original programming, all families were pretty much the same. The Cleavers, the Stones, the Nelsons and the Andersons were all happy, well-adjusted folks who supported each other, had great jobs and were well-educated. When the 60′s came around, people wanted something more real on television, so they were given less…. read more
Pop Culture Required Reading
Last week, I took my kids to see Mr. Popper’s Penguins (they liked it). During the previews, we saw this trailer… My kids laughed and became excited for the new Chipmunks movie, but I had to wonder – did the studio really expect fans of the Chipmunks to be familiar with Titanic? It turns out…. read more
Kids Have Bad Taste, What You Can Do About It
If history has taught us anything, and I don’t think it has, it’s that Justin Bieber is a thing kids today are going to be embarrassed about later. Think N-Sync, New Kids on the Block, or for a littler international flavor, Menudo, which is actually a kind of soup. That’s just the way it is….. read more
A Most unScientific Study – Fireworks
An informal survey of nine families revealed the following data about how families spend the Fourth of July holiday. 8 of the 9 families plan to view fireworks between July 2 and July 4. 3 of the 9 famlies plan to view fireworks between July 5 and July 10 (2 of the families will be…. read more
The 9 Lives of Chloe King
Last week I wrote a review of the new ABC Family show, Switched at Birth. If you read it, which I find hard to believe, you’ll remember that I was less than impressed with the show. I was hard pressed to think of a show in resent memory that was more heavy-handed while having less…. read more
Switched at Birth
I’m not a huge fan of the original programming on ABC Family, in fact I was upset when Fox sold them because they had just started showing remastered episodes of Hawaii 5-0. But since I’m not really the audience for most of their shows, this is not a big deal. However, since I started writing…. read more
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1×0 =?
One of the Facebook Questions currently going viral is this one. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1×0 =? As of noon PST on Tuesday June 14, the correct answer was NOt the most popular answer. 781,143 people believe the expression is equal to 0. [These people are forgetting their order of operations. The 0 is multiplied by the final 1…. read more
Following Up on the June 1 Post
On June 1, Today, Sea Shephard shared this video interview. Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com Whether you agree or disagree with Sea Shephard’s efforts and methods, we felt it was important to share this because it seems to lend some credence to Parent X’s concerns. What are your feelings about letting the internet create…. read more
Late Nights
When I was a kid, late night television always held a special mystique. Since there were no DVR’s or even VCR’s, the only way to watch was to stay up late. Even way back then, school started pretty early, so my parents insisted that I go to bed at a reasonable time and get my…. read more
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